Since 2003, Armenian citizens who have reached the age of 27 and are wanted for evading compulsory military service have a legal opportunity to be exempted from criminal responsibility after paying certain sums to the state budget of the Republic of Armenia. This way of exemption from potential criminal prosecution and termination of initiated criminal….

In early March RA National Assembly proposed an initiative on a provision of privileges to citizens who have not passed mandatory military service. According to the draft law, citizens of the Republic of Armenia who has attained the age of 27 and has not passed compulsory military service until 1st of May 2017 can be….

Compulsory military service for persons with dual citizenship: Citizens of the Republic of Armenia holding additional foreign citizenship or persons who have renounced their RA citizenship after the 1st of January 1995, as well as, persons who unilaterally renounced their RA citizenship must complete compulsory military or contractual military service in the Republic of Armenia…..

The Republic of Armenia law provides a special procedure for termination of the RA citizenship. Citizenship may be terminated only by the decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia. The above means that if a citizen applied for the termination of the RA citizenship or acquired citizenship of another state without giving up….

The designated size of mandatory payments by persons who have not passed mandatory military service: The Republic of Armenia Act of 17th of December 2003 “On the Citizens Who Have Not Passed Compulsory Military Service due to violation of the established order,” provides that citizens of the Republic of Armenia are under obligation to make….