Very often, insurance companies refuse to make payments in connection with claims. In practice, very often there are cases of non-payment of insurance compensation under the contract in case of an accident. Insurance companies often unreasonably delay the whole process. To focus on an insurance claim and the particular details contained in legally worded contracts so as not to be deceived, one must have the appropriate knowledge and experience in this area. If you have an insurance dispute or you need assistance in making or clarifying a claim, please contact ‘Vardan Khechyan LLC’ immediately. Our insurance specialists are happy to help you and provide the necessary services in this area.
We offer the following services:
- Advice on legal issues of insurance;
- Verification of documents regarding insurance of an accident;
- Preparation of claims and the statement of claim to the insurance company;
- Representation in court, during enforcement proceeding and at the stage of execution of judgment.