Registration of the birth, social payments, business in the Republic of Armenia, foreign citizenship, registration of marriage, entrance to Armenia, inheritance law, Liquidation of the legal entity, Registering a company, consular legalization of documents, Apostille Stamp in the RA, certificates and duplicates, IT in the Republic of Armenia, acceptance of inherited property, Customs clearance, military service in Armenia, EAEC Court, property in the Republic of Armenia, bankruptcy procedure, Procurement in the Republic of Armenia, State Register of Home Population, correctly make agreements, divorce in the Republic of Armenia, pharmaceutical products, registration of medicines, invalidity of transactions, deposit in the Republic of Armenia, clinical drug trials, Loan Agreement in Armenia, Surrogacy in the Republic of Armenia, registration of trademarks, authorized capital, Administrative Court of the Republic of Armenia, moral damages, renting of apartments, appeal court decisions, Division of shares, annulment of marriage, kidnapped in Armenia, child adoption in armenia, foreign investments, Mandatory payments , Labor Code, Foreign Arbitral Awards, Foreign Investment, RA Citizenship, Regulation in the Field of Precious Metals, VAT Payment Process, Entry Visas, Financial Security Types, Legal Cooperation, Economic Competition, obligations , Income Tax in Armenia, Excise Tax, International Sale of Goods, Redomiciliation of legal entities, Personal Data Protection, residence status, Tax Rates

Procedure of state registration of legal entities in the Republic of Armenia

State registration of a legal person is carries out by the Agency for State Register of Legal Persons within the Staff of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia (hereinafter referred to as “the Agency”), except for the organisations (banks, credit organisations, insurance companies, contractual investment funds and other financial organisations, including their branches, representations and institutions) the registration whereof is carried out by the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia.

Moreover, the application for the registration of commercial legal persons may be submitted to any  ervice office of the Agency, irrespective of the place of activity of the legal person, whereas the registration of non-commercial legal persons is carried out by the service office of the city of Yerevan of the Agency.

The following persons have the right to apply for state registration of the legal person:
(a) founder(s) of the legal person;
(b) head of the executive body of the legal person who is elected by the founders.
Any person authorised by the persons having the right to apply may also apply for state registration.

For the purpose of state registration of a legal person, the applicant submits to the Agency the following:

(a) decision of the founders on the founding a legal person or the protocol of the constituent meeting (assembly or other body provided for by law) signed by all the founders or — in cases provided for by law — by the chairperson and secretary of the meeting;

(b) charter of the legal person approved by the founder(s) or the constituent meeting (assembly or other body provided for by law);

(c) document attesting the payment of state duty (payment receipt, payment made through electronic payment system, etc.);

(e)  information on the head of the executive body of the legal person or the acting head: passport data and social card number or an indication that the person has refused to have a social card and the number of the relevant statement, e-mail address.

The application for state registration of a legal person is drawn up on the spot by the employee of the Agency based on the relevant documents and information submitted.

The applicant submits the documents necessary for state registration of a legal person on paper personally or through a representative. If the person has an electronic signature, the registration may be carried out via Internet, through official website.

The Agency must carry out the state registration not later than within two working days following the submission of all required documents to the Agency. State registration based on the standard documents of a limited liability company is carried out immediately.  Other time-limits for a state registration may be set by the relevant laws on legal persons having a special organisational and legal form or other laws.

A legal person is considered established from the moment of its state registration. A legal person is considered registered from the moment of recording the information defined by the law in the State Unified Register.

Commercial organisations do not pay any duty for state registration.

The state duty for the state registration of non-commercial organisations comprises AMD 10000 (ten thousand) which shall be paid to the treasury account, except for political parties.

