How to protect your rights in a failed plastic surgery
The services of plastic surgeons in the territory of Armenia with increased frequency are addressed both by its residents and Armenians abroad. This is explained by the low prices for this type of medical services and the high quality of surgical services they provide. In this connection, the issue of protecting the rights of the client in the event of harm to him/her is of particular relevance in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.
First of all, it should be noted that the case of unsuccessful operation is considered on the legal field from two angles: civil and criminal.
In the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia there is an article, which directly provides for liability for non-performance or improper performance of professional duties by persons providing medical care and medical services. Therefore, a person who negligently or dishonestly treats the performance of his professional duties can be held criminally liable for up to six years of imprisonment. In addition, a surgeon providing you with low-quality services will be deprived of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities.
This article also mentions as aggravating circumstances the infliction of severe or moderate damage to health. Thus, if the patient’s respiratory tract is damaged as a result of the operation, or if there are other complications, the actions of the surgeon have two elements of the crime, he or she must be punished more severely.
Just remember that fraudsters cannot be held criminally liable by themselves, without your initiative the law enforcement agencies will not know about the committed blunting. In order not only to punish a negligent doctor, but also to prevent his subsequent criminal activity, the dissatisfied client should contact a specialist who will deal with his issue as soon as possible.