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Registrations and licensing of gambling organizations

In the Republic of Armenia, the activities of winning games and gambling houses may be carried out by the commercial organizations registered in the Republic of Armenia. The procedure of state registration in the Republic of Armenia is stipulated by the Law of the Republic of Armenia”On State Registration of Legal Entities, State Registration of Separate Subdivisions, Institutions of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” and the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No. 1194-N dated August 11, 2011.
To find out more about the procedure of registration of legal entities in Armenia, please follow the link
In addition, organizations must obtain a license. The licensing procedure is stipulated by the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Winning Games and Gambling Houses” adopted on 13.12.2003.
The license for the organization of winning games does not give the right to organize a gambling house. The License for the Gambling House gives the right to organize any winning game in the same gambling hall in compliance with the requirements of the Law.
The law also provides for cases where the registering authority has the right to reject an application for a license. Namely, if the documents attached to the application do not comply with the requirements of the laws and other legal acts or they contain false information, if the license applicant has overdue obligations on taxes and other mandatory payments established by law, if the rules of organizing and holding the game of winning are contrary to the laws of the Republic of Armenia or other legal acts, or if they contain conditions that may threaten the interests of the players, or contradict the requirements of the law.
Are subject to administrative liability in the form of a fine up to millions of drams.
In case of violation of the norms regulating the activity in the sphere of organization’s games, the presence of gross violations in the activity of the organization, containing the elements of the crime, specific officials can also be brought to criminal responsibility under the Armenian legislation.
In addition, in cases provided for by law, the authorized body has the right to suspend or terminate the license.
Thus, a company wishing to carry out activities on winning games in the Republic of Armenia must undergo the registration and receipt procedures licenses. As we can see, new obstacles and difficulties may arise in the process of carrying out activities. In order to avoid unnecessary spending of effort, time and money, we offer you the assistance of our lawyers. Qualified specialists with extensive experience in this field will gladly help you to simplify the process of introduction to the Armenian market in the field of gaming entertainment. For more detailed information please contact the contacts indicated on the site.
