The age threshold for contract military service according to the law “On military service and the status of a serviceman”
According to the latest amendments to the RA law “On Military Service and Status of Servicemen,” the age threshold for contract service has been raised.
The change will take effect on May 26th.
According to the amendment to the Article 30 of the law determining the procedure of the military service under a contract and the age limit, the age limit of the military service under a contract is ․
In the Armed Forces and other troops of the Republic of Armenia may serve under a contract՝
1) Citizens who have not yet attained the age of 18, in case of enrollment in military educational institutions
2) The military personnel under the mandatory military service, including those referred to in paragraph 1 of paragraph 3 of Article 22 of this Law
3) male citizens who have not previously passed contract military service and are registered in the reserve up to 45 years old and female citizens, regardless of being registered in the reserve, as well as citizens up to 50 years old who are registered as privates or junior non-commissioned officers in the reserve, in case of being appointed to military service (previously-appropriate 40, 45).
A citizen՝cannot be enlisted in contract military service
1) Who has not completed compulsory military service in violation of the law;
2) who is subject to criminal prosecution or who has an unauthorized or unexpunged criminal record
3) who is unfit for military service due to health conditions:
In case of refusal to conclude a contract, the authorized state body shall be obliged to notify the citizen of this in writing within three days, indicating the grounds and reasons for the refusal:
The age limit for being in contract military service shall be established:
1) for servicemen with military ranks of private, junior non-commissioned officers and senior non-commissioned officers – up to 50 years old (previously-45 years old);
2) for servicemen of junior officer ranks – up to 52 years of age (previously – 48 years of age);
3) for servicemen of senior officer corps, having military ranks of “major” and “lieutenant colonel” – up to 55 years (50 years earlier);
4) For servicemen having military rank of “colonel” of higher officer staff – until 58 years of age (previously – 55 years);
5) for servicemen of higher officer staff with military ranks of “major-general” and “lieutenant-general” – to the age of 60
6) for servicemen of higher officer corps with the military ranks of “Colonel General” and “Army General” – up to the age of 65:
The terms of military service of contract servicemen who have reached the age limit may be extended for up to 5 years, and for servicemen occupying professional positions of teaching, research or medical nature or established by order of the head of the state authorized body with rare specialties – for up to 10 years, in each case for a year in accordance with the order of the head of the state authorized body, and on the basis of a collegial decision (earlier
In addition, changes were made to Article 57 of the law, which establishes the groups of the reserve and the age limit stay in the reserve.
Citizens in the reserve are registered by military service in two age groups:
In the first reserve group are registered՝
1) reservists of regular, junior noncommissioned officer and senior noncommissioned officer ranks up to 53 years of age (previously-48 years of age);
2) reservists of junior officer corps up to 55 years of age (earlier-50 years);
3) reservists of senior officer staff having military ranks of “major” and “lieutenant colonel” – up to 58 years (already 55 years old);
4) reservists of the senior officer staff, “colonel” having military rank – till 60 years old (former – 58 years old);
5) reservists of higher officer staff with military ranks of “major-general” and “lieutenant-general” – up to 65 years of age;
6) reservists of the highest officer corps with the military ranks of “Colonel General” and “Army General” – up to 70 years of age:
In the second group of reserves are registered՝
1) Regular, junior noncommissioned officer and senior noncommissioned officer reservists up to 55 years of age (previously 50 years of age);
2) reservists of junior officer corps up to 57 years old (earlier – 52);
3) reservists of senior officer staff having military ranks of “major” and “lieutenant colonel” – up to 60 years old (formerly – 58);
4) reservists of the senior officer staff, “colonel” having a military rank – up to 63 years (formerly – 60 years);
5) reservists of the highest officer corps, having military ranks of “major-general” and “lieutenant-general” – up to 68 years of age;
6) reservists of the highest officer corps with the military ranks of “Colonel General” and “Army General” – up to 70 years of age:
The first and second reserve groups are divided into two categories according to the degree of military training of the reserve:
In the first order, the following shall be considered:
1) citizens with the rank of enlisted and junior non-commissioned officers who have completed compulsory military service within the time limits established by this law;
2) citizens with the military rank of a senior non-commissioned officer who, during contract military service, have served in the junior command group of the command staff;
(3) Citizens with the military rank of junior officer who:
a. have not completed compulsory military service,
b. during their military service occupied positions of junior or middle command group of the command staff;
(4) Citizens holding the military rank of senior officer who, in the course of military service, held positions of senior or higher commanding groups;
(5) Citizens with the military rank of senior officer who, in the course of military service, held positions of the highest commanding group of the commanding staff;
(6) Citizens who have participated in combat operations, regardless of the length of military service;
7) female citizens who have completed military service:
In the second order are accounted for:
(1) Citizens of the rank-and-file and junior noncommissioned officers with military rank:
a. have not completed compulsory military service,
b. have been on military service for less than six months,
d. have been discharged from military service on the grounds of being deemed unfit for military service on health grounds,
e. female citizens who have acquired a military registration specialty and have not completed military service.
- citizens with the military rank of senior non-commissioned officer who:
a. have been on contract military service for less than one year,
b. have been discharged from contract military service on the grounds of being declared unfit for military service for health reasons;
- citizens with the military rank of junior officer who: a. have been on military service for less than one year; b. have been discharged on the grounds of being found unfit for military service for health reasons; c. citizens with the military rank of junior officer who: a. have been on military service for less than one year
a. have been in military service for less than one year,
b. Have been discharged from military service on the basis of being deemed unfit for military service due to poor health,
(d) During their military service, have held exclusively non-command posts in the junior officer group.
(4) Citizens with the military rank of senior officer who:
a. have been discharged from military service on the basis of being declared unfit for military service for health reasons,
b. during the course of their military service occupied positions of senior officer group exclusively of non-commissioned officers;
- citizens with the military rank of senior officer who:
a. have been discharged from military service on the basis of being declared unfit for military service on health grounds,
b. during the course of their military service occupied exclusively the highest officer group positions not in the commanding ranks:
If a reservist enrolled in the first reserve group reaches the age limit provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article, the reserve base shall be transferred to the second reserve group: