Registering in the ‘State Register of Home Population’ in the RA
What is the “State Register of Home Population”
State Register of Home Population is a database comprising of, 1: information on personal data of persons residing in the territory of the Republic of Armenia regardless of nationality and 2: citizens of the Republic of Armenia who have registered on the consular register with the purpose of living in a foreign country for more than 183 days. The database is designed to accommodate registered persons at the place where they live.
In accordance with the RA Law “On State Register of Home Population” any resident of the Republic of Armenia is obliged to, in the prescribed and timely manner, provide the appropriate authority of the territorial register the address of the place of residence and/or stay. In addition, the resident must submit the following information:
- Public Service Number (previously – the social security number);
- First and last names (fathers name for RA citizens only) and gender;
- Documents confirming the status of residence and/or refugee status;
- Citizenship documents IE: passport or other document;
- Date of birth, including month and year of birth;
- The address of the place of residence and/or stay, RA passport data, or foreign passport data, document confirming the right to stay in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.
Place of residence and/or stay:
The place of residence and/or stay is regarded as the place where a person has the right to live and which he/she regards as their place of their residence. When changing address, a person must within seven days notify in writing the territorial authority of the community register. A person can only be registered at one address at a time.
The order of registration:
The persons who are not registered and those that register new place of residence, shall be entered in the State Register of the Home Population of the Republic of Armenia within three working days, after the submission of the application to register with territorial authority. The application and the documents required for registration may be submitted by both the applicant and his/her authorized person. Authorization is done via a notary office within the designated area of the village, town or city of the territorial authority registering the home population.
However, if the person changing the address in connection with the change of place of residence, as well as, persons who are not registered who cannot submit a document certifying their right to reside at a specified address, the fact of living/residing at that address is checked by a police officer no later than within five working days from the date of submission of the application.
Post verification of residence by police, no later than by 10:00 AM the following day, the police must send the register a certificate certifying, or disproving the actual residence of the person specified at that address. Within three working days of receipt of a certificate from the police, the State Register of Home Population of the Republic of Armenia raises the applicant’s registration. If the owner of the dwelling where a person is living, is against the registration of the person, or a person is living in non-residential premises, the register records the place of factual residence.
When giving notice to the State Register of Home Population of RA, of departure from the territory of RA with a duration longer than 183 (one hundred and eighty-three) days:
Any citizen of the RA who is in the Republic of Armenia for more than 183 days, or is leaving the territory of the Republic of Armenia for more than 183 days, is required after arrival, or within 15 (fifteen) days from the expiry of 183 days in another country, to notify in writing the appropriate consular service, or diplomatic mission of the Republic of Armenia, which in turn will within seven working days notify the body conducting central register of RA.
If the person who has obtained the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia has no permanent residence in the Republic of Armenia and mostly stays abroad when applying for a passport the State Register of the Home
The population will put a note on that account about the address of residence in a foreign country.