Since the beginning of 2017 certain amendments have been introduced into the legislation on notaries of the Republic of Armenia, giving notaries a number of new functions. Of particular interest is a novelty that enables enforcement of a certain type of contracts without bringing the case to court by a notary’s writ of execution. For….

A falsified deal is a deal that is made without any intention to create legal consequences. In fact, the contract of sale may be executed in compliance with all the requirements of the legislation of RA, but the change of ownership takes place only formally. In practice the owner of the property, and the user….

08.04.2016 Video consultation with Vardan Khechyan Subject: Responsibilities under Inheritance Law for the benefactor (video in Armenian)

The right of pledge, collateral or deposit is the legally defined property right of the landlord/lady in respect of the legally owned property. The deposit is the most effective means of providing financial or other obligations of the debtor in the framework of the RA legal system. In accordance with Article 70 (seventy) of the….

Loan agreement Loan agreement is a very significant document which, if properly processed, establishes mutual rights and obligations of the parties. In accordance with the Article 877 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia, under the agreement of loan, one party (the lender) transfers to the ownership of the other party (the borrower) money….

In everyday life and business environment, there are frequent cases where the person is unable to meet the requirements of the creditors due to lack of monetary means and/or property. In this situation, the debtor can be declared bankrupt (insolvent). In the Republic of Armenia, the debtor can be declared bankrupt only by court decision…..

09.03.2016 Video consultation with Vardan Khechyan Subject: Correct factual paperwork completion for loans in RA (video in Armenian)

20.12.2015 Video consultation with Vardan Khechyan Subject: Court enforced debt recovery in RA (video in Armenian)

15.12.2015 Video consultation with Vardan Khechyan Subject: What are the responsibilities and obligations of the benefactor/successor prior to receiving inheritance? (video in Armenian)

11.11.2015 Video consultation with Vardan Khechyan Subject: Procedure on debt recovery by heirs (video in Armenian)

Today in practice there are many cases of non-payment of debt obligations. In the Republic of Armenia, the judicial practice shows that in such cases the agreement is mostly missing. The only legal way to recover the debt owed is a judicial protection of rights and legal interests. Litigation on debts recovery is quite long, costly….